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Acupuncture- small needles, big impact

Acupuncture- small needles, big impact

Posted on Apr 22, 2022 at 3:09 PM

The method of acupuncture is a millennium-old Chinese healing method, the traditional Chinese medicine. Although it is quite common in China, acupuncture is considered a rather alternative healing method in our western regions. It involves tiny needles that are inserted into the top layers of the skin in sensitive and central areas of the body. This allows the "Qi energy", which according to Chinese understanding is the flowing energy that keeps our body healthy and fit, to flow more freely through our body. The needles are placed on specific acupuncture points, of which there are several hundred on our skin. The slight irritation of the skin is said to stimulate the body to relieve or even cure certain diseases and ailments.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, Qi energy is very sensitive and can be easily disturbed. If this happens, pain, blockages or diseases can occur. The small needles therefore counteract this, influence and heal organs and ensure a general sense of well-being. At least that is the theory. Because acupuncture is not recognized everywhere as one hundred percent effective. The mode of action is based only on theories, not on scientific studies. 

Acupuncture is used in Germany as a supplement to conventional medicine. This means that it is not recommended as the sole method of treatment but should only accompany conventional medical treatment. For this, one must visit a special alternative practitioner and cannot go to a usual doctor. Unfortunately, acupuncture, at least in Germany, is not covered by health insurance. This is a pity, because where traditional Chinese medicine could be an important therapeutic component, such as chronic pain, patients are not financially supported.