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Alternative therapies and their mode of action Part 1 of 4: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Alternative therapies and their mode of action Part 1 of 4: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Posted on Sep 12, 2022 at 5:59 PM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient healing art from East Asia, more precisely China. According to TCM, disturbed energy flows are to blame for a disease. To eliminate the symptom and cause, the energy pathways must be brought back into an even flow so that the patient can become healthy again.

5 Facts about Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • For diagnosis, the therapists look at the patient's tongue and pulse
  • Acupuncture uses very fine needles, which reactivate the flow of energy pathways
  • TCM also helps in prevention
  • Unfortunately, there is no scientifically proven effect for most procedures, which does not mean that TCM has no effect at all
  • The costs for a therapy according to TCM have to be paid out of one's own pocket.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that energy pathways flow through the entire body of every human being. Qi energy is very sensitive and can easily go off track. If this happens due to mental pain, permanent stress or an illness, physical pain, blockages or diseases will result.

To treat this, TCM uses the following approaches:

  • Acupuncture
  • Medicinal plants as medicines (herbal therapy)
  • Qigong and Taiji
  • massages
  • Nutrition.

Depending on what ailment the patient is complaining about and whether it is a mental or physical problem, one or more of these approaches are used in combination.

The small needles thus counteract, influence and heal organs and ensure a general feeling of well-being. At least that is the theory. After all, acupuncture is not universally recognized as being fully effective. The mode of action is based only on theories, but not on scientific studies.

TCM is used in Germany as a supplement to conventional medicine. Supplementary only because it is not used as the sole method of treatment. A visit to a general practitioner is advisable in any case, regardless of the ailment. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment according to TCM in Germany is not covered by health insurance.

Traditional Chinese medicine and where it helps

Traditional Chinese medicine has a very wide range of applications. Both mental and physical illnesses and complaints can be treated. During the anamnesis the patient is asked about his way of life and his mental as well as physical condition, the tongue diagnostics and the pulse diagnostics are applied. TCM can help with the following complaints:

  • Colds and flu-like effects
  • Chronic pain and suffering
  • Inflammations
  • Psychological complaints
  • Sleep disorders
  • Various allergies
  • Asthma
  • Back pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Addictions (alcohol, drugs and nicotine)
  • Overweight (support in weight reduction)
  • menopausal problems
  • skin diseases
  • high blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • menstrual cramps
  • Pregnancy complaints
  • Preparation for childbirth
  • Uvm.


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