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Alternative therapies and their mode of action Part 4 of 4: Ayurveda

Alternative therapies and their mode of action Part 4 of 4: Ayurveda

Posted on Oct 11, 2022 at 1:11 PM

The doctrine of Ayurveda translated means "the knowledge of healthy/long life" and originates from India. The naturopathic method has been practiced in India for more than 3,000 years and helps the body, soul and spirit to be in harmony with each other in order to maintain health.

Outside of the Indian healing arts, in the Western world, Ayurveda is known more in terms of diet and lifestyle. It includes yoga and meditation practices, herbal medicine, and special baths and purging.

5 Facts about Ayurveda

  • Ayurveda is considered a spiritual wisdom doctrine
  • The naturopathic wisdom Ayurveda is considered to be particularly purifying for body and soul
  • The elements air, water, space, fire and earth are the cornerstones of Ayurveda
  • An Ayurvedic therapy serves to activate the self-healing powers
  • More and more scientific studies deal with the healing power of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda as a form of therapy

The wisdom teachings of Ayurveda, which originated in India, are based on ancient regulations and therapeutic measures. Today's form of therapy, which is applied in our country, looks a little different. Various types of treatment play a role here:

  • Ayurvedic diet
  • Yoga, meditation and breathing
  • Massages, baths, oils
  • Herbal medicine
  • Living in harmony with nature (day and night rhythm).

Diagnostics are especially important. First of all a very detailed anamnesis is carried out and the lifestyle, the body, the mental state as well as diseases within the family are asked in detail. The tongue and pulse are also examined.

After that, a cleansing cure, the Panchakarma, is usually performed. Any environmental pollution, emotions, toxins, impurities of the vessels and the entire organism are thus removed over a period of several weeks. Enemas, sweating cures or, for example, nasal irrigation are used here.

After that, the Ayurvedic treatment can begin, which is individually adapted to the respective patient.

This is where Ayurveda helps

Ayurveda has a rather broad treatment spectrum. Almost all diseases can be treated with Ayurveda. Among them are diseases like:

  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive problems
  • Physical and psychosomatic symptoms
  • Migraine or severe headaches
  • Stress related illnesses
  • aches and pains
  • Sleep problems
  • And much more.

The Ayurvedic healing art meets, similar to other alternative healing methods, not with every conventional doctor on appeal. Nevertheless, research is increasingly concerned with the effect and has already been able to prove its effectiveness in some studies. Ayurveda therefore definitely has its right to exist and can be an ideally suited form of therapy for many people, which should not be underestimated. Because he who heals is right.


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