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Healthy Diet, Healthy Mindset- Part 2 of 4: Drinking properly

Healthy Diet, Healthy Mindset- Part 2 of 4: Drinking properly

Posted on Oct 26, 2022 at 12:14 PM

Drinking is our daily bread - but in liquid form. Without liquid we could not exist. Water, coffee, tea, cola, beer, the choice of beverages is gigantic nowadays and for many it is hardly about quenching thirst but rather about enjoyment. But what exactly does the beverage we feed our body do to it? Does the choice of drink affect our brain and thus our thinking and mood?

5 facts about drinking

  • Our brain consists of 80% water
  • Our drinking behavior influences our mood, concentration and thinking ability
  • We lose up to 2 liters of water at night
  • Sugary drinks as well as alcohol paralyze our brain
  • Drinking the right amount of water helps Alzheimer's patients.

How unhealthy drinks affect our brain

Our body needs and consists of water, this is known to everyone. But what exactly does that mean? In fact, our brain consists of 80% water. Hardly anyone is aware of the fact that it is above all our brain that needs liquid in order to function properly. This has been proven by numerous studies. 

If the body or the brain is dehydrated, this has a significant effect on our mood. Concentration decreases, we become tired and even tense. The more fluid is missing, the less thinking power can be retrieved. This is mainly because the brain needs water to work properly. The nerve cells in the brain, neurons, need it in order to be able to communicate. Blood flow is also reduced in this case.

The right drinking

It is not only important that and what we drink, but also how exactly we drink. This is because our drinking behavior has a considerable influence on the processes in our brain just described.

During the night, the body loses up to two liters of water. It is therefore advisable to drink one to two glasses of water directly in the morning. In the course of the day, the night's water loss of two liters should be compensated. However, not only the amount of fluid intake is important. You should also make sure that you drink mainly water or beverages such as unsweetened tea. 

Sugary drinks such as cola, Fanta or iced tea do massive damage to the body, as does alcohol. Although sugar is said to make the brain "faster," the truth is different with long-term consumption. Too much sugar and alcohol destroy brain cells, shrink the brain and make people stupid in the long run. Unfortunately, it is mainly sugared drinks that are poured into the bodies of some people by the liter every day. They taste good and the sugar they contain is addictive. 

If you want to do something good for your brain, your mood and your entire body, you should avoid sugar in drinks and alcohol and instead drink good old water.


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