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Healthy skin, healthy body - What your skin wants to tell you when: Dry skin

Healthy skin, healthy body - What your skin wants to tell you when: Dry skin

Posted on Jul 5, 2022 at 8:35 AM

The skin protects the body, serves as a barrier against dirt, infections, cold, heat and many other influences - in short: it is our very intimate protective shield. No wonder that it is also the mirror of our health and shows us when we lack something, and we are physically and mentally not well.

One sign of this is dry skin. It is characterized by tightness, itching and a rough, scaly surface. The problem: dry skin means that the skin cells are poorly connected to each other, that they could tear open and let in dirt, germs and bacteria. There is a lack of moisture and oils, which the skin needs to form a smooth, firm and resistant surface.

5 Tips on what you can do about dry skin:

  • Drink plenty of water! 1.5-3 liters of water a day hydrate the body - including the skin
  • Take cold showers - too hot showers or baths dry out the skin
  • Mild cleansing- Less is more, dry skin should be cleansed gently, without chemicals and a lot of rubbing
  • The right creams- Dry skin needs moisture. Make sure your day cream is moisturizing and replenishing
  • Less UV radiation- Sun is good for body and soul, but too much of it dries out the skin.

This is what your body wants to tell you

Dry skin does not happen by chance! Depending on a person's age and health condition, it can be a warning sign from the body. By drying out the skin, our body wants to tell us that something is wrong, there is an imbalance, and it lacks something.

Internal influences

If the cause lies within our body, it is usually difficult to fathom. In addition to chronic diseases, which definitely require a visit to the doctor, there may also be a deficiency. Vitamins A and B, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, are essential for radiant, firm and supple skin. If there is a deficiency of these vitamins, it is manifested by dry, brittle and cracked skin. These vitamins can be easily obtained through a healthy diet or supplementation.

External influences

However, sometimes the cause of dry skin is an external influence with which the skin is not satisfied. For example, it may be exposed to air conditioning or a fan too often and for too long. Also, too frequent sunbathing or the exhaust fumes in a big city dry out the skin.

In any case, listen to your skin, it knows exactly what is going on in your body and tries to tell you!
