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Powernap - short snooze, long-lasting rest

Powernap - short snooze, long-lasting rest

Posted on Apr 22, 2022 at 3:06 PM

A nap is only meant for old people? Not at all! Although a short nap really doesn't sound very productive, it can have a very big effect. And the powernap already bears this in its name. An energetic nap of about 10-20 minutes is extremely efficient thanks to its short duration and its simultaneously energizing effect.

It increases the efficiency, reduces stress and returns missing energy, completely without having to fall back thereby on caffeine or similar awakeners. Sleeping also makes you more relaxed and happier. The short reset button of sleep releases a happiness hormone. A short nap is also good for the physical body. Studies showed that a powernap has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. But beware, this is how you should sleep! Under no circumstances should a powernap last longer than 30 minutes so that it can develop its full effect. After that, you switch from the light sleep phase to the deep sleep phase, from which you wake up with more difficulty and feel rather exhausted than full of energy.

A powernap can be taken at virtually any time of day. However, it is ideal to take a nap around noon between 12 and 2 pm. That's when you're tired enough to give yourself a little rest, and it's early enough that you're not too fit and awake in the evening. It's also the best way to use the energy you gain for the second half of the day. A powernap should be limited to once a day, if possible, so that the entire biorhythm, digestion and normal sleeping habits are not disrupted. 

But to get energy with the help of a powernap, you have to fall asleep in the first place. Quite a few people have great problems falling asleep at all. Therefore, a nap wants to be learned. Sleep rituals, quiet music or a meditation app can help.