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The healthiest plants of the continent- Asia: Ashwagandha

The healthiest plants of the continent- Asia: Ashwagandha

Posted on Jun 8, 2022 at 2:46 PM

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a medicinal plant, which only few know and have tried. At least not with us in Germany. In Asia, however, Ashwagandha is one of the most popular and valuable medicinal plants in various fields of application. Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng and is mainly found in the Asian regions of India, Nepal, China and Yemen. The roots of the medicinal plant contain important substances, which are mainly used for traditional treatment in India. Although it is not yet as well-known as some other medicinal herbs, there are also voices in Europe which claim that it has a great effect. But what exactly is the secret behind this unknown herb?

Ashwagandha is a nightshade plant and is also known as sleeping berry or winter cherry. To consume the plant, one uses the leaves and the roots, but not the berries, as one would mistakenly think. The name sleeping berry already reveals one of the positive effects of ashwagandha on the human body. Namely, it is said to have a particularly calming effect and is therefore used for sleep problems. But this is only one of the benefits. Ashwagandha can also be used for anxiety, stress, dementia, as an antioxidant, to promote blood formation, as an anti-inflammatory and hormone treatment. The functionality of the brain is also said to be improved by the medicinal plant. This has even been investigated in recent studies from New Delhi.

Especially the effect on hormone balance and stress levels is interesting! Women with an irregular cycle benefit from taking Ashwagandha. So even fertility problems can be treated. In relation to a too high stress level, the regulating effect of Ashwagandha on the stress hormone cortisol could be proven.

The special thing about taking Ashwagandha is its naturalness. The intake of the medicinal plant brings little or no side effects. Thus, it can be consumed by people of any age, gender and state of health. Also, when taking it, the more the merrier. Ashwagandha should be consumed in high doses if it is well tolerated in order to achieve sufficient effects. This does not mean that you have to or should consume the medicinal plant in rough quantities, but that depending on the ailment or disease, it is advisable to reach for higher rather than lower doses.

Ashwagandha is available either on the net, in pharmacies or in health food stores. However, be sure to discuss the correct dosage with your doctor before you start taking it.
