Posted on Oct 17, 2023 at 6:55 PM

CBD Oil- All about the beneficial oil

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a product of the well-known hemp plant. Long discredited, hemp and especially CBD is now considered a true trend. Because CBD oil is a much milder product than the well-known hashish for smoking or eating. CBD (cannabidiol) originates from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. From this, an extract is obtained, which consists of only about 0.2 percent THC.

Unlike pure THC, CBD does not trigger any intoxicating effects such as hallucinations and is far more digestible. For instance, it is also compatible with a completely normal everyday life. It cannot be detected in the body and is not restrictive in any other area of life. Therefore, it is available over the counter and especially in pharmacies or online.

However, the correct extraction of CBD and the purity and quality of the plants are important for its compatibility. CBD oil is made by obtaining the extract from the plants and flowers. This was done many years ago in a highly complicated chemical process called decarboxylation. The methods of extraction have been optimized and modernized over the years to keep the extract as pure as possible and free of bacteria, viruses or other unwanted substances. The TCH content itself depends on the type of plant, as the purity of the extract differs depending on the plant species. Finally, the chemically extracted oil is mixed with the carrier oil, which is what the finished product is also made of.

Mostly, the conventional CBD oil is composed of the following ingredients:

  • Cold-pressed hemp oil
  • Hemp molecules
  • Cannabidiol
  • Vitamin E
  • Turpentine.

The oil is consumed orally, but is now also included in a variety of different products. Thus, one can buy teas, drinks, creams or other cosmetic products with CBD oil.

Application of CBD oil

CBD oil has the most diverse applications. They range from help with minor problems to a complementary therapy option for serious diseases. Here are the most common applications at a glance:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Anxiety, grief, depression
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stress
  • Exhaustion, burnout
  • Inner malaise, inner restlessness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Epilepsy
  • Pain up to chronic pain
  • Arthritis and rheumatism
  • Cancer therapy, concomitant to chemo
  • Inhibition of tumors.

CBD oil is especially popular in the field of sleep disorders. Circling thoughts, problems falling asleep and staying asleep, stress in everyday life, all these are big problems of today, from which many people suffer. In these areas, CBD oil convinces users with its calming effect, which, however, unlike comparable active ingredients or even medications, has no negative impact on the following day. Despite taking CBD oil in the evening, one wakes up the next day refreshed and completely lucid. The body breaks down the small amount of THC overnight, respectively does not let it restrict itself in any way.

Other similar problems such as inner restlessness, anxiety and panic attacks, burnout or even depression can also be treated excellently with CBD oil. Not always and for everyone is the rather gentle oil sufficient to make anxiety and panic disappear completely but can mitigate them. In the meantime, CBD oil has also found its way into cancer therapy. For example, in some patients it is able to mitigate the side effects such as nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy. CBD oil can also have a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system in cases of chronic pain. The areas of use are varied, and the side effects are few to none. This gives a positive outlook on CBD oil, which was not the case for a long time due to the hemp plant's lineage.

Although the modes of action and the actual success of a treatment with CBD oil are not yet clearly confirmed, the positive reports of probands, however, speak a clear language. CBD oil seems promising and is therefore the subject of numerous clinical investigations and scientific studies.

Advantages of using CBD oil

CBD oil is a real trend. Numerous positive effects, which the gentle oil brings, are now more than ever on everyone's lips and are successfully used in the private as well as in the medical field.

However, CBD oil derived from hemp has not completely shed the reputation of its intoxicating producer. Still many think that CBD oil has a similar effect as hashish and do not quite dare to use the oil. However, this is merely a myth.

Much more than an intoxicating effect, CBD oil has a calming effect. CBD oil is a natural product and is therefore mild and particularly effective at the same time. This is a huge advantage and ensures that CBD can be taken by many people with a wide variety of problems and medical conditions. Here CBD can offer a positive effect:

  • Effect on the brain: relief of psychotic symptoms, anxiety and depression. The formation of dopamine is promoted.
  • Effect on the eyes: The intraocular pressure can be reduced.
  • Effect on the heart: lowering blood pressure and promoting blood flow.
  • Effect on bones: Strength and growth of bones are promoted.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: Relieving nausea, regulating digestion.
  • Joints: Help in rheumatic diseases.
  • Organs: Calming effect.
  • Whole body: Relief from pain.

Especially in the area of sleep problems as well as anxiety disorders CBD is recommended. It has an antipsychotic effect, which has a calming and pain-relieving impact on the nervous system. Typically, strong medications are prescribed for both of these problems. CBD oil offers an alternative to this and helps in a completely natural way.

Other advantages are the enormously wide range of application and the flexible dosage options. From mild sleep problems, malaise or inner turmoil to severe and chronic pain or even tumor treatment, CBD can be used. Here it is important to find the right dosage for each person and for each individual ailment. However, once this has been found, CBD can be used effectively and very individually where the respective patient needs help.

The (correct) use of CBD oil

CBD oil is available in liquid form and should therefore be taken orally. Although it is very well tolerated and has hardly any side effects, one should start taking it slowly and in a low dose at first. This way the body can get used to it and is not overwhelmed by the power of nature.

It is recommended to start with one drop at the beginning of the intake. Simply drip this under the tongue and do not swallow. The oil is absorbed through the oral mucosa and therefore also shows its effect quite quickly. Those who are already accustomed to hemp products or have been consuming CBD oil for a long time, the amount of drops can also be increased. However, this additionally also depends on the concentration of the CBD oil. It is available as an extract with 5%, 10%, 25% or even 50% CBD.

In general, it is better to start slowly and wait for the effect and its intensity first. Every person is individual and not everyone tolerates active ingredients the same way. It also depends on the purpose for which the CBD oil is consumed. If it is to help you fall asleep, a much lower dosage is required than if it is used against tumor pain or chronic pain. Here, the following applies above all and always: Consult the dosage with your doctor. He knows your history and can best assess whether and in what dosage the intake of CBD oil will do you good. CBD oil is freely available and no harm is to be expected from its consumption, but you should still not dare to experiment with it.

Side effects and overdose of CBD oil

Side effects and overdoses of CBD oil are extremely rare and rather unlikely, but still occur occasionally. Basically, it can be said that the pure CBD oil as well as all products mixed with it are very good and generally tolerated. Also by the WHO (World Health Organization) CBD was already classified as harmless in 2017 and has no addiction or abuse potential according to experts. So, CBD oil can definitely and officially do no harm.

Nevertheless, interactions with other substances and short-term side effects may occur under certain circumstances. Especially between CBD and the lupine, a plant species, the drug pantoprazole, as well as some other drugs seems to interact according to some test persons. Mild interactions such as nausea have been described. Again, everyone is different and tolerates medications as well as CBD differently. Be sure to talk to your doctor beforehand about possible interactions with other medications.

Short-term side effects may include mild gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, dry mucous membranes, low blood pressure, dizziness, loss of appetite, and in rare cases, allergic reactions. Exactly what caused these side effects and whether they were actually caused by the CBD itself or by one of the other ingredients of CBD oil is still unclear. Also, the tolerance depends on whether the oil was taken correctly and in the correct dose. Just like the dose, the quality of the oil can also be responsible for this. Therefore, when buying, one should urgently pay attention to where the oil comes from and what quality it has.

Research on CBD and its tolerability is ongoing. In clinical studies, the overdose of CBD oil was intentionally induced to test the limits as well as the effects on the body. Here, it was found that even with severe overdose, there are no serious side effects or even damage.

Alternatives to CBD Oil

CBD oil is an all-natural product and therefore generally very well tolerated. However, if you want to refrain from CBD oil or have concerns about taking cannabis products, you can resort to some alternatives. Often, however, these alternatives are unfortunately hard drugs, which are prescribed by the doctor. Often this prescription is done too quickly without first taking a gentler and more natural route. We at MonkiMind would like to suggest an alternative way to recover or even cure with our product recommendations.

Equally natural alternatives as CBD, which have a positive effect on sleep problems, are products with melatonin. The body's own hormone melatonin is produced as soon as darkness signals to the body that it is time to sleep. In the case of a sleep disorder or problems affecting sleep, such as inner restlessness, the body's own melatonin is not sufficient. Here it is recommended to help with Melatonin Spray.

Another sleep aid as an alternative to CBD is offered by the medicinal plant Ashwagandha. The root from India was used as a medicinal plant many thousands of years ago and is still popular today in the form of powders and globules. When dosed correctly, it supports the process of falling asleep and has a stress-regulating effect. Two benefits that CBD also possesses but are also excellently supported by Ashwagandha.

When it comes to preventing or treating inflammatory processes in the body, nature has given us a very special helper along the way - ginger. Ginger is a very good and 100% natural alternative to CBD oil. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the immune system. Also, ginger can be used to relieve pain, nausea and premenstrual symptoms. For a high dosage, ginger supplementation is recommended.

Another relative of ginger is turmeric. The spice, or tuber, is full of nutrients and minerals that the body needs. As an alternative to CBD, turmeric can be used primarily for intestinal problems, inflammation, as a blood thinner, for osteoarthritis, for diabetes, and even in cancer therapy. Again, at higher doses it is worthwhile to reach for a supplement.

The cost of CBD oil and CBD products

The cost of CBD oil varies massively depending on the supplier and product type. On the one hand, this price differential is caused by the different content of the oil itself. CBD oil with only 2% is logically cheaper than extremely high dosed oil. Also, the sizes of the bottles play a role here.

On the other hand, the price depends strongly on the quality of the CBD oil. If you make sure that the oil was produced organically and sustainably, you will pay significantly more than for a product where the quality hardly seems to play a role. However, quality comes at a price and the former should indeed be the main focus of attention when it comes to CBD oil. Products from China cannot promise anything good and cannot keep up with organically produced CBD oil from Europe, no matter how cheap they seem.

It is worth spending a little more money on a really good CBD oil. Roughly speaking, 10 ml of 10% CBD oil should cost no more than 60€ and no less than 20€.

CBD oil is an extremely natural, well-tolerated product with the potential to be a true helper for minor as well as major health problems and diseases. Just try it and let yourself be convinced of the power of nature!

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions about CBD Oil

What is the effect of CBD oil?

The effect of CBD oil is very individual for each person. Everyone feels the effect of CBD differently and takes different doses. It also depends on what the intake of CBD oil is supposed to help you with. Accordingly, the effect can be either analgesic, sedative, sleep-inducing or anti-inflammatory. Sometimes you feel an effect immediately, for example, when the pain subsides, sometimes you notice only after months that, for example, inflammation recedes.

Can CBD oil harm?

Normally and in the vast majority of cases, taking CBD oil cannot do any harm. It is very well tolerated and hardly leads to undesirable effects or side effects. CBD oil is therefore in no way dangerous, but in individual cases it can cause reactions of the body, which indicate an intolerance. If, for example, nausea, vomiting or dizziness occur, you should consult a doctor.

Does CBD oil make you high?

CBD oil does not make you high as you may know it from other cannabis products. The feeling of the effect is not comparable to inhaling or consuming cannabis. The amount of THC in CBD oil is so low that you cannot get high from it. Thus, you can take CBD oil in the evening before going to sleep without being affected by it the next day.

How quickly do you feel an effect of CBD oil?

How quickly one feels something of the effect of CBD oil is very individual. It depends on various factors such as the weight of the consumer, the dose, the percentages of the oil, as well as the previous food intake. It also depends on the complaints or diseases for which one takes CBD. For some people, the first effect sets in after 15-30 minutes, while some should consume CBD oil for several months to really feel an effect.

When should one not take CBD oil?

As a general rule, you should always consult with a doctor first before taking CBD oil as a remedy for illness. Even if CBD oil is freely available, self-medication with CBD should not take place in case of serious problems and diseases. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also refrain from consuming CBD oil.


Görgen: CBD Öl – Wirkung, Einsatzgebiete, Anwendung. In: Praktisch Arzt. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 26.06.22). https://www.praktischarzt.de/ratgeber/cbd-oel/.

(19.10.2021): Warum ist CBD Öl so teuer? Wir erklären Kosten & Preise. In: Der HERBLIZ CBD-Ratgeber News & Infos zu Hanf & Co. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 26.06.22). https://herbliz.com/de/blog/cbd-guide/preis-von-cbd-oel/#:~:text=Je%20nach%20Hersteller%20liegt%20der,5000%E2%82%AC%20und%20mehr%20sprechen.

(07.06.2022): CBD-Öl legal auf dem Markt? In: Klartext Nahrungsergänzung. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 26.06.22). https://www.klartext-nahrungsergaenzung.de/wissen/lebensmittel/nahrungsergaenzungsmittel/cbdoel-legal-auf-dem-markt-37660.

Dr. med. Gehl (19.05.2022): CBD Öl – Wundermittel oder Geldmacherei? In: Mooci- Qualitätsgeprüfte Informationen & Ärzt*innen. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 26.06.22). https://www.mooci.org/blog/cbd-oel/.

(15.11.2021): Melatonin-Spray: Hilft es wirklich gegen Schlafstörungen? In: Helios Magazin- Menschen, Medizin, Gesundheit. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 27.06.22). https://www.helios-gesundheit.de/magazin/gesunder-schlaf/news/melatonin-spray-wirkung/.

Nordqvist (24.10.2020): Natural Alternatives to CBD Oil You May Not Know About. In: MBN- Market, Business, News. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 27.06.22). https://marketbusinessnews.com/natural-alternatives-to-cbd-oil/249360/.

Rehberg (07.06.2022): Kurkuma: Antioxidativ und entzündungshemmend. In: Zentrum der Gesundheit. (Zuletzt abgerufen am: 27.06.22). https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/ernaehrung/lebensmittel/kurkuma-uebersicht/kurkuma.

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