

Posted on Oct 18, 2023 at 7:38 PM

L-Tyrosine- Effects and benefits of the amino acid

L-Tyrosine | Benefits | Use | Side effects | Costs | Alternatives | FAQ | Citation | Exercices | Routines | Products | Research | Other media

What is L-Tyrosine?

Short Facts

  • Non-essential amino acid
  • Naturally occurring in food
  • Can be supplemented
  • Improves mental performance as well as state of mind.

L-tyrosine is an amino acid. More specifically, it is a non-essential amino acid. A non-essential amino acid is a building block that works with other building blocks to keep the body functioning as it should and to keep the immune system working effectively. The amino acid L-tyrosine can be made in the body and requires another amino acid called phenylalanine. L-tyrosine has some important roles in relation to physical and mental performance in humans.

In principle, it can be said that L-tyrosine sets some things in motion in our brain and hormone balance. The amino acid is thus responsible for the body's own formation of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. These are messenger substances that transmit impulses from nerve to nerve. But what does this mean and how does it affect us?

L-tyrosine has an influence on our mood and state of mind. Namely, it is associated with the action of the hormone dopamine, which is known to be responsible for the feeling of happiness, euphoria and contentment. L-tyrosine also has an influence on two other hormones, the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline and the thyroid hormone thyroxine. Thus, it has a great influence on memory performance, stress levels and mental state.

Through our food, L-tyrosine can be absorbed naturally, although unfortunately the choice of foods is not particularly large. These include, for example, seeds and nuts, eggs, chicken and pork.

L-tyrosine is used in these areas

Short Facts

  • Is applied in various areas: Study, before exams, professional everyday life
  • Mostly used to improve concentration.

Tyrosine is closely related to the often called "happiness hormone" dopamine. Therefore, it mainly contributes to a good mood, more energy and higher thinking performance. In areas of study, training or in stressful situations in everyday working life, tyrosine is therefore also known as a stimulant. Concentration, the ability to think and reaction time can be improved by L-tyrosine.

The intake of tyrosine is also known in creative professional fields. This is because tyrosine also promotes creativity. Not only does it increase thinking ability, but it also encourages a solution-oriented way of thinking.

Further studies showed that tyrosine reduces stress. And it does so in an extremely natural way. This was especially proven in studies in which the test subjects experienced stress in the form of enormous cold. Here it was shown that tyrosine contributed to the fact that the mood of the test subjects did not drop drastically even after several hours of extreme cold.

A positive effect of an extra portion of tyrosine was also seen at the physical level. The intake lowers blood pressure. Taking tyrosine also makes sense in the area of sports. Here, studies were conducted in which the training capacities of test persons were observed under conditions of enormous heat. The intake of tyrosine before the training caused that those test persons could maintain their training performance longer than test persons who did not take tyrosine.

Advantages of using L-Tyrosine

Short Facts

  • Mental and physical benefits
  • Lack of tyrosine in the body can lead to sadness or even depression.

L-tyrosine has a variety of benefits. These benefits already explained are:

  • Stress reduction
  • Increase in creativity
  • Increase and maintenance of concentration
  • Promotion of solution-oriented thinking
  • Reduction of blood pressure
  • Improvement of reaction time
  • Increasing exercise performance.

Healthy people can produce tyrosine on their own in the body through normal food intake. However, the amount of tyrosine is not always sufficient and supplementation may be recommended.

Conversely, a deficiency of tyrosine can have physical and psychological consequences. It can strike the mind and psyche, and it can lead to sadness, dissatisfaction and, in the worst case, depression. A deficiency can also show up physically. Body temperature and blood pressure can be low. Especially people with a metabolic disorder called phenylketonuria (PK) should be careful and supplement enough tyrosine. This is because their body does not manage to convert tyrosine on its own. If this is not supplied, it can lead to melanin deficiency and thus albinism. Skin and hair lose their color and turn white. In particularly bad cases, a thyroxine deficiency even leads to deformities, short stature and functional disorders of speech.

How L-tyrosine is used

Short Facts

  • Naturally occurring or to be taken as a supplement
  • In powder or capsule form
  • Can be used on a daily basis.

Tyrosine as a dietary supplement is available in powder or capsule form. The powder should be dissolved in water and the capsule should be taken with a little water. However, tyrosine does not necessarily have to be supplemented. In a natural way, the non-essential amino acid is present in a few foods that people usually eat every day. As already described, the body manages to absorb and utilize the tyrosine from the foods all by itself. However, if this is not the case due to a too low intake or due to a disorder or disease, tyrosine should be taken as a supplement after consultation with a doctor.

The correct dosage should also be urgently determined and discussed with a doctor beforehand. Here it depends above all on why tyrosine is to be taken. Basically, it is recommended to take a quantity of 100 mg of pure tyrosine per kilogram of body weight. On the other hand, care should be taken not to exceed this amount. It is also disputed whether an increased amount brings any additional benefit at all. Folic acid and vitamin C support the metabolism and the mode of action of tyrosine. Therefore, experts recommend taking them in addition.

Side effects and overdose of L-tyrosine

Short Facts

  • No side effects known in healthy people
  • Not compatible with other drugs
  • Should not be taken in case of certain diseases.

Taking tyrosine does not usually cause side effects or overdose in healthy people. To be on the safe side, however, even healthy people should talk to their doctor beforehand about whether and if so why and how much tyrosine they want to take. Although overdose is rare, it may be indicated by the following side effects:

  • Inner restlessness
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Sleeplessness
  • Palpitations
  • Migraines and headaches.

However, taking tyrosine does not make sense for everyone. Under certain circumstances, mild side effects may therefore occur while taking tyrosine. In some special cases, supplementation should be avoided. Patients who suffer from migraine or have hyperthyroidism should rather not take tyrosine in excess, otherwise side effects may occur.

Caution is also advised if you have to take other medications at the same time. These may not be compatible with the intake of L-tyrosine. Pregnant women or mothers who are breastfeeding should also not take tyrosine as a supplement.

The cost of L-Tyrosine

Short Facts

  • Available in the pharmacy or online
  • 10 to a maximum of 30 €.

Tyrosine is available in pharmacies or online and can be purchased without a prescription. For tyrosine, as with many other supplements, the cost varies depending on quantity and quality. Tyrosine in capsule form is usually available for 10-25 € per 100-300 capsules.

Beware of nasty rip-offs! Since tyrosine increases performance, this effect is often overpraised for advertising purposes. Thus, the marketing shows the positive effects when learning and preparing for exams. Such allegedly especially for learners offers are usually overpriced.

Alternatives to L-Tyrosine

Short Facts

  • Natural stimulants are the best alternatives: coffee, green or black tea
  • CBD Oil.

Tyrosine has the properties to reduce stress and increase performance. Similar to the drug Ritalin, tyrosine is popularly taken to boost performance before exams. Ritalin is therefore known as an alternative to tyrosine, but is absolutely not a good alternative to be taken seriously, and can be extremely dangerous if you are not familiar with the dosage!

Other natural stimulants are for example caffeine or tein. In the right dose, these also have a stimulating, activating, invigorating effect and promote concentration. However, there is a risk of dependence here. There are also a variety of other stress relievers that can be used as an alternative to L-tyrosine. CBD oil, for example, is considered extremely effective against stress, sadness, inner turmoil and depression. Above all, sports such as yoga or meditation also promote your concentration and have a positive effect on a stressful everyday life.

FAQ- Frequently asked questions about L-Tyrosine

How fast does L-Tyrosine work?

The type of effect and the strength of the effect of tyrosine depend on the individual person, so it feels different for everyone. Depending on how big and heavy you are and whether you take other medications, for example, the effect may be faster or slower. In general, it can be said that the effect occurs after 30-60 minutes.

Can L-Tyrosine harm me?

Per se, the intake of tyrosine cannot harm. However, this is only true if you are healthy, have no undetected diseases, and are not taking any other medications that negatively affect the effect of tyrosine. Tyrosine may cause headaches or mild fatigue in isolated cases, but it cannot harm you.

Can I take L-tyrosine before exams?

Yes, you can. Tyrosine is known to increase performance and concentration and also provides a longer attention span. So before exams or a stressful situation, you can take tyrosine to lower your stress level and use your focus for what matters. However, wait 30-60 minutes after taking it for the tyrosine to take effect and for you to be ready for your exam.

When and for how long should I supplement with L-tyrosine?

L-tyrosine is available in capsule and powder form. Both variants can be taken directly in the morning at the same time as or before breakfast. If the tyrosine is taken to improve performance before an exam or, for example, before training, it is recommended to wait about 30-60 minutes afterwards for it to take effect. There is no limited period of intake. Tyrosine is not addictive, so it can be consumed over a longer period of time.

How long can I store L-tyrosine capsules?

Tyrosine can be stored for a relatively long time under suitable conditions. It is important that you store it at room temperature and close it airtight. Depending on the manufacturer, you can assume a shelf life of up to three years.


Tyrosin. In: Naturheilzentrum Nürnberg. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 20.07.22). https://www.naturheilzentrum-nuernberg.de/lexikon/t/tyrosin.html. (21.09.20): TYROSIN - WIRKUNG, DOSIERUNG, NEBENWIRKUNGEN. In: Olimp Sport Nutrition. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 20.07.22). https://olimpsport.com/de/tyrosin-wirkung-dosierung-nebenwirkungen.

Besser trainieren und denken durch L-Tyrosin. In: Body Ip System Nutrition. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 20.07.22). https://www.bodyip-nutrition.de/blogs/supplements/besser-trainieren-und-denken-durch-l-tyrosin.

Rehberg (25.06.22): Tyrosin: Das natürliche Aufputschmittel. In: Zentrum der Gesundheit. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 20.07.22). https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/ernaehrung/nahrungsergaenzung/weitere-nahrungsergaenzungsmittel/tyrosin.

L-Tyrosin- Wirkung, Nebenwirkung, Vorteile & Dosierung. In: MyProtein. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 20.07.22). https://de.myprotein.com/thezone/supplemente/was-ist-l-tyrosin-wirkung-nebenwirkung-vorteile-dosierung/.

SupplementBible Redaktion (Juli 2022): L-Tyrosin: Test & Empfehlungen (07/22). In: SupplementBible. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 20.07.22). https://www.supplementbibel.de/l-tyrosin-test/.

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