

Posted on Oct 18, 2023 at 8:22 PM

Probiotics- The health-promoting effect of small microorganisms

Probiotics | Benefits | Use | Side effects | Costs | Alternatives | FAQ | Citation | Exercices | Routines | Products | Research | Other media

What are probiotics?

Short facts

  • Small, living microorganisms in our intestines
  • Bacteria
  • Promote healthy intestinal flora
  • Stable immune system.

Probiotics are tiny, living microorganisms that occur naturally in our bodies and are beneficial to our health. The fact that probiotics are bacteria that live and move freely in our bodies sounds strange, even disgusting. But this is not the case at all, because the opposite is true. Translated, probiotics mean nothing other than "for life". This already shows that our body needs them, and they influence our health in a positive sense.

Probiotics are found in one of the largest organs of the human body, the intestine. Here they ensure a balanced and healthy intestinal flora. They do this mainly by increasing the "good" bacterial colonies, which are healthy for us humans, and by destroying the "bad" ones, which are responsible for a variety of different diseases.

Probiotics are therefore found in large numbers in our intestines. There they are at home and provide for a healthy intestinal flora. Once they have arrived there and survived the journey from the mouth through the stomach into the intestine, they multiply there. They help with digestion, but also strengthen the immune system and activate the defense response of the T-cells, which protect us from bad germs, viruses, bacteria and pathogens. In general, the term probiotics should not be generalized and sweeping. There are different strains of bacteria, which act in a very individual way and have different properties. Not all probiotics are the same!

Humans take in probiotics every day in a natural way through their diet. The best known probiotics are probably the lactic acid bacteria. Probiotics occur naturally in these foods:

  • In some dairy products such as yogurt (plain yogurt), kefir, ayran or buttermilk
  • Beet
  • Fermented foods such as beans, pickled cabbage, carrots or sauerkraut.

However, not everyone consumes such probiotic foods in the right quantity and on a daily basis. Therefore, probiotics are now added to very many foods. This is usually even large marked by advertising on the specific products. There are also a variety of dietary supplements or medications that contain strains of lactic acid bacteria or other probiotics.

Probiotics are used in these areas

Short facts

  • Help with a variety of ailments and diseases
  • In foods and dietary supplements.

Probiotics occur naturally. Since they are present in foods, we consume them every day without knowing it. However, there are people who do not eat these foods and therefore take probiotics in the form of dietary supplements or medications to supplement them. A planned supply of probiotics also makes sense in the case of physical complaints or even illnesses.

Probiotics can help with this:

  • Maintenance of a healthy intestinal flora
  • Digestive complaints
  • Flatulence
  • Constipation (even if chronic)
  • Diarrhea caused by an infection
  • Ulcerative colitis (chronic inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Respiratory infections
  • Asthma
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Helicobacter pyloris (stomach germ)
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Flu infections
  • Allergies
  • Weak immune system
  • Skin diseases
  • Food intolerances
  • Fungal infections
  • Conscious cancers
  • Damage caused by antibiotics
  • Inflammations in the body.

Advantages of using probiotics

Short facts

  • Balance of intestinal flora
  • Influence on physical and also mental health.

The areas in which probiotics can be used and help are particularly diverse. This is due to the fact that the entire physical and mental health is enormously dependent on that of the intestine. If the balance of the intestinal flora gets out of control, this can have enormous consequences, which can end in complaints and illness.

The intestinal flora has a great influence on our physical and also mental health. The intestine and thus probiotics regulate accordingly also our emotions as well as the mental efficiency.

A large number of neuroscientists are therefore researching the influence of the gut on human emotions. The complex nervous system of the intestine, it is believed, makes contact with the brain and can thus control emotions. So, you could say that the intestinal bacteria communicate with us. If the gut is healthy and in balance due to sufficient probiotics, our psyche is also fine.

How probiotics are used

Short facts

  • In liquid form, as powder, as tablets or in capsule form
  • Very individual areas of application and modes of action.

A correct use of probiotics is difficult to define. There is no such thing, because they are very special, individual and not completely researched microorganisms. The term probiotics should therefore not be generalized!

Probiotics are available in liquid form, as powder, as tablets or in capsule form. Depending on the manufacturer, these preparations contain very different amounts and compositions of probiotics. There are also different strains of bacteria, some of which are useful for such symptoms and some for others. The exact composition and content of probiotics in food supplements can be found in the instruction leaflet or directly on the packaging.

So, each preparation brings a different effect and should be used in other areas. It is best to weigh the benefits well and discuss everything in detail with a doctor than to simply treat yourself with probiotics.

It is also important to note that not everyone is the same. One person may complain of digestive problems, while another suffers from a serious disease such as Morbus Crohn. Also, one patient's intestine may have much more probiotics than another's from the start.

A blanket recommendation for the use of probiotics can and should therefore not be made without first having thoroughly examined the individual.

Side effects and overdose of probiotics

Short facts

  • Side effects are rare, but do occur
  • Digestive problems are among the most common side effects.

Even though probiotics are generally considered to be beneficial to health, they can also produce certain side effects.

In general, it can be said that everyone tolerates probiotics differently. It depends on a variety of factors, which is why one or the other may experience side effects from taking probiotics. The most common side effects include:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • flatulence
  • Digestive problems.

These rather harmless side effects are, however, rather rare and also subside after a few weeks after intake. The intestine may first have to get used to the supply of probiotics and may initially react with rejection. It is also possible that the intestine does not yet know the corresponding bacterial strains and must first re-establish the balance.

Especially by taking the appropriate preparations with probiotics, it can happen that the dose is simply too high. An overdose can cause the side effects just mentioned, which can then occur in varying degrees of severity. It is therefore all the more important to discuss the excessive use of probiotics with your doctor and ask for advice on the correct dosage.

The cost of probiotics

Short facts

  • Costs depend on various factors such as quality quantity and composition
  • An average of 25 € is to be expected.

There are many different manufacturers, quantities, qualities, preparations and compositions of probiotics, which determine the cost factor. Therefore, no exact price can be named here, but only a price range can be determined.

Probiotics in the form of dietary supplements should cost between 15 and 50 €, depending on quantity and quality. On average, you pay about 25 € for a good probiotic.

Probiotics do not require a prescription and are therefore available either in pharmacies, drugstores or online. Products with added probiotics are also available in supermarkets. Since most probiotics are lactic acid bacteria, buttermilk, kefir and the like can be found in the refrigerated section of the supermarket.

Alternatives to probiotics

Short facts

  • Natural foods
  • Stress-reducing measures are not only good for the body in general, but also benefit the intestines.

Probiotics are relatively unique in their population, composition and occurrence. The intestinal flora is extremely sensitive, special and must be treated with care. Here bacteria and germs cavort and form a very individual milieu, which knows exactly what it needs and what not. Since probiotics are microorganisms, i.e. living bacteria that positively influence the intestinal flora, there is almost nothing that can imitate the way probiotics work.

However, an alternative to probiotic supplements are the probiotics found in nature. As described above, these can be found in dairy products such as cheese, buttermilk or fermented foods. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to consume enough probiotic foods to achieve the right amount of probiotics.

What is proven to have a very negative effect on the intestinal flora is stress! Therefore, stress-reducing measures such as sports, yoga, meditation or walks form a somewhat different, but not negligible alternative to probiotics. They not only calm our mind, but also condition the balance of the intestinal flora.

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions about Probiotics

How exactly do probiotics work in the human body?

Probiotics are first taken orally and then pass through the esophagus, the stomach and into the intestines. Once there, they unfold their effect, because that is exactly where they belong and do their work. They are responsible for repopulating the walls of the intestine with bacteria. These are absolutely necessary for a healthy intestinal flora and should always be present in balanced quantities. They regulate digestion, strengthen the immune system, prevent disease and maintain overall body health.

Do probiotic bacteria harm me?

No. Probiotics occur naturally in our bodies. They belong in our intestines and are good for the body. Just because they are bacteria does not mean they can cause disease or do us any harm.

Can I take probiotics without supplementation?

Probiotics are not only found in supplements. They occur naturally in foods. These are dairy products such as cheese, kefir or yogurt and fermented foods such as pickled cabbage or sauerkraut.

Are probiotics in foods enough?

It is not always enough to consume probiotic foods. This is highly dependent on whether one needs an increased dose of probiotics. If this is the case, for example, due to an illness or certain ailments, one needs a larger number of probiotics. However, this can only be achieved by taking dietary supplements. However, the amount and the reason for taking them should be urgently clarified with a doctor.

Who should supplement probiotics?

Probiotics should be supplemented in the first place if a doctor advises you to do so. This can have various reasons. Either one suffers from digestive problems because the delicate balance of the intestinal flora has been disturbed, or a disease such as Crohn's disease has been diagnosed, for which the intake of probiotics can help. Basically, it can be said that not everyone needs or should take probiotics.

Can you think of further questions, do you have suggestions, or would you like to get in touch with us? Then contact our team at MonkiMind, we will be happy to help you at any time.


Feichter und Steinbach (30.06.21): Probiotika: Wie sinnvoll sind sie? In: Mylife. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

Probiotika und Präbiotika. In: OMNi-BiOTiC®. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

(28.12.21): Lebensmittel mit speziellen Bakterienkulturen (früher: "Probiotika"). In: Verbraucherzentrale. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

Rehberg (18.02.22): Probiotika und ihre Nebenwirkungen. In: Zentrum der Gesundheit. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

Meier (11.06.22): Der Darm steuert Ihre Emotionen. In: Zentrum der Gesundheit. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

Rehberg (14. 06.22): Probiotika für eine gesunde Darmflora. In: Zentrum der Gesundheit. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

(23.06.2022): Probiotika Vergleich 2022- Die besten Probiotika-Produkte im Vergleich. In: (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

FAQ. In: Natural Pharma Laboratories. (Zuletzt abgerufen am 07.07.22).

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