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Stay focused! - This is how you can immediately improve your focus!

Stay focused! - This is how you can immediately improve your focus!

Posted on Jul 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM

To focus the attention on one single thing you are doing is very difficult and does not always work! The greater the stress or pressure are, and the more things have to be done at the same time or still want to be crossed off on the To Do list, the less you manage to direct your attention to the essentials! It is so important to concentrate and focus in everyday life, but especially in the job, to be able to work efficiently and quickly.

Luckily, research has found out what techniques and methods one can use to extend the attention span as far as possible and use this focus efficiently. Using these 3 tips, you should be able to focus when you absolutely need to!

1. Structure in everyday life

Studies have shown that it works better to concentrate on the essentials at a given moment if you divide your everyday life into small sections. These should have a predictable duration of, for example, 90 minutes, which is then followed by a small break of about 15 minutes. This way you create clarity and structure in your everyday life and in your mind! By being aware of which part of the day you are in, when the next break will be and what will follow, your mind can relax, and you don't have to think about what is still to come and forget anything. If 90 minutes of concentration is too much for you, you can start with 30-60 minutes.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation

Research has found that just 10-20 minutes of meditation a day helps to sharpen focus and widen the attention span. Those who meditate regularly and allow themselves mindfulness breaks manage to continue with work fresher and more focused afterwards.

3. Movement

Movement not only does the body good! The mind also benefits enormously from daily movement and thus manages to be more centered, attentive and awake. A small sport unit or a walk as a small time-out of a focused activity helps to reduce the unnecessary ballast in the mind as well as stress. If you go back to work afterwards, it will be easier to concentrate, to focus and you will also not perceive disturbances from the external environment as much.
