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What is killing your sleep? The best tips to improve the quality of sleep.

What is killing your sleep? The best tips to improve the quality of sleep.

Posted on Apr 27, 2022 at 2:41 PM

Sleep is of special importance for the overall health of a person. Getting a restful and good night's sleep is therefore just as important as breathing and eating! If a good night sleep is not ensured, it has a huge impact on the body and mind. Therefore, it is necessary not only to sleep somehow, but to sleep properly. But what does that mean and, above all, how does it work? The following tips will help you get into a restful sleep, sleep through the night and wake up full of energy the next day.

1. The right lighting conditions

Darkness is enormously important for healthy sleep! During the day, light sets the pace for our biorhythms, but at night, darkness signals to the body that it's time to rest. This is the only way to release the hormone serotonin, which helps us fall asleep. Make sure there is darkness in your bedroom, this is the only way healthy sleep can take place.

2. Induce sleep

Not only the right lighting conditions, but also the right lifestyle is important. By this is meant that before you fall asleep, the body first needs some rest to ring in sleep. This include physical rest, mental relaxation and the right spatial environment. Dim the lights, don't eat too late and, if possible, come to rest with a meditation or yoga. A ritual in the evening can help prepare the body.

3. Minimize screentime

Do you spend much of the day in front of your laptop, cell phone, TV or screen at work? Then it's time to switch off in the evening, isn't it? To ensure a peaceful and healthy sleep, it is very important to switch off or put aside your cell phone before going to bed. Only in this way can the eyes relax and the sleep hormone build up. Instead, read a book or listen to a podcast instead.

4. The right environment

If you are not comfortable, if you are too warm or too cold, you will not sleep well. Because sleep is more than just closing your eyes. It is important to have a comfortable and back-friendly mattress on which you can lie well. The right room temperature also plays a role here. Trying is the better part of valorizing, because these parameters are very individual.

These tips were only the beginning, as sleep is in a way a science in itself. Every person is individual and so every rhythm is different. Try out what feels right for you.
